United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific (UCLG ASPAC) and ULAP President Governor Dax Cua kicked off the International Workshop on Building Smart and Resilient Cities and Communities in Asia and the Pacific, highlighting the urgency of creating safer and more sustainable cities in our region. The workshop, co-organized by UNCRD and UCLG ASPAC, focuses on empowering local policymakers and planners with the tools and strategies to achieve this goal. ULAP Legal Counsel and Philippine Board Members League Chairman Atty. Ananias Canlas, Jr. and Siquijor Governor Gov. Jake Villa also joined the workshop.
"The Asia-Pacific region is experiencing unprecedented urban growth, but this brings complex challenges," Gov. Cua said. "We cannot afford to overlook the urgency of building safer, more resilient, and sustainable cities."

Governor Dax Cua and UCLG ASPAC Secretary General Bernadia Tjandradewi with Mr. Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, Minister for Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning of Indonesia, and Mr. Muhammad Tito Karnavian, Minister of Home Affairs of Indonesia, during the Local and Regional Governments Day at the 10th World Water Forum.